Impact’s knowledge network consists of experts in the fields of clinical, social, experimental and developmental psychology, as well as criminology, penology, forensic psychiatry and research methodology. The network members provide Impact with scientific advice, participate in expert meetings and contribute to the implementation of research projects. They inform Impact on relevant topics in the Netherlands, Canada, the United Kingdom and Scandinavia, and introduce Impact to other (foreign) experts.
Impact’s knowledge network first congregated in 2007, at the Amsterdam Hortus Botanicus. In 2009, a second meeting was organized, which was combined with a symposium on the impact of staff behavior on offenders. In 2012 and 2013 Janine Plaisier paid all members of the network a visit, on which she kept a blog: “impactaroundtheworld”. The knowledge network consists of:


Netherlands :

  • Prof. Alfred Lange – professor of clinical psychology
  • Prof. Hans Channeling – professor of criminology

Canada :

  • Dr. James Bonta – Formerly with Department of Justice / Public Safety Canada
  • Elizabeth Fabiano – Developer of interventions and expert on motivational interviewing


Norway :

  • Dr. Gerhard Ploeg – Department of Justice / Correctional Services Norway, president of Accreditation

United Kingdom :

  • Meg Blumsom – Formerly with the Probation Service of England and Wales, member of the Scotland Accreditation Panel